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Reminding myself daily to bloom where I'm planted.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

My Artsy Thrift Store Finds

Hunting for treasures at my local
thrift store is one of my favorite things to do. 

I love finding unique things
that I can transform into something special. 

Some of the things I find are perfect
just the way they are. 

I've got a mix to show you
from my recent $12 shopping spree. 

The following is a carved
wood sun mirror that I picked
up for just 5 bucks. 

It's dirty and a little
beat up, but I see a lot of potential in this guy. 

I can't wait to pull out my paint and start working on it. 

The next thing that caught my eye
was this coral spider vein stone ring. 

It's big, funky and chunky and I love it. 

It goes well with my spider vein
turquoise Navajo silver cuff. 

I paid $3.50 for this ring. 

The last item I want to show you is 
this sweet Jenny Krauss zip purse.

It's handmade by women in Peru.

It still has the tag on it and was only $3.49!

This is a great time of year to 
check out the local thrift stores.

There're a lot of donations coming in with people 
wanting to start out the year free of clutter.

Someone else's junk was this woman's treasure. 

Happy New Year dear friend!

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