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Reminding myself daily to bloom where I'm planted.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Baby Jesus Ornaments

The following are some other Christmas 
ornaments I've been working on. 

One of my neighbors has a bottle tree
that drops a lot of pods this time of year. 

Instead of stepping over them on my
way to the mailbox, I decided to
pick up a few and use
them for a project.

I made several "Baby Jesus"
ornaments out of them. 

I took a wooden bead and hand screwed
in an eye screw to give me a little bit
of a body so I'd have something to wrap.

I then wrapped the eye hook with a small
amount of batting and muslin and tucked
the little baby inside the pod. 

The face was added and some ribbon
to hang and the ornament was finished.

I'd recommend paint instead
of a sharpie. As you can
see the sharpie eyes bled a little. 

Isn't he cute?

The following picture will show
you how I packaged the ornaments
for gift giving.

It makes a very inexpensive, yet I think
thoughtful gift. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Valerie!! (I'm so sorry for the delayed response, but I just saw this.)

  2. These are precious! What size wooden bead did you use? Thanks in advance.

    1. Thank you for your kind words Susan. Unfortunately, I tossed the bag that the beads came in. I can tell you that they're flat on one end and measure just under 3/4" when I place one on a ruler. If I remember correctly, I brought a pod with me to the hobby store and was able to measure the size I'd need by sight. Best wishes.

  3. What type of pod is that?
