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Reminding myself daily to bloom where I'm planted.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

My Artsy Bathroom Tour

 I picked up one of these letters from Hobby Lobby.
 I think I paid a dollar for it.
The surface is a collage is compiled from some old
art magazines. There's a simple folk art
design on the sides. It's sealed with a couple coats
of polyurethane. ~Cute and colorful!
The "P" is for Petersen (in case you were wondering). 

My husband and I can be a wee bit
germaphobic. I guess that comes from 
being in food service for so many years.
Fastidious sanitation habits are second nature. 

This is a commercial paper towel holder that 
I doodle designed and had him hang in 
our guest bathroom. I found the quote
years ago in an old Victoria magazine and saved it, knowing
at some point I'd find a use for it. 

This is the last piece I'll show you today.
It's a little mixed media creation made from a scrap
of wood I had laying around. I've always
loved this Irish blessing and had to have it
hanging in the house somewhere. 


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