
Details. . .

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Reminding myself daily to bloom where I'm planted.

About Me

Hello and welcome to the Hive!

My name is Terri Petersen and I'm here to share my passion for art and all things creative.

I came up the name Hive Arts & Crafts years ago while pondering my work habits. A bee hive came to mind. There's always a lot of action going on in a bee hive. Just like cells of a honeycomb, I'm pretty compartmentalized with my projects, but like to bounce back and forth between them. It wouldn't be unusual for me to have a drawing, a painting, and a crafty project going on at the same time. It's what makes me excited to get out of bed in the morning. It's the "honey" that makes life sweet. 

Born and raised in Chicago, I moved to the Phoenix area in 1987. While I have a deep affection for both cities, I'm most at home in the desert. My art is strongly influenced by the Mexican and Native American Cultures which are a part of my home state. I'm particularly fond of Mexican art, design, decor, and food. 

Art has always been my favorite subject. In seventh grade I learned I had some talent as a budding artist. My teacher gave my ink scratchboard deer an A+ and placed it front and center in our junior high school display case. That was quite an honor for me as a twelve year old.

In 1999 I began selling my artwork at a gallery in Scottsdale Arizona. I'm always thinking about new projects and looking for things that I can transform or create into my own unique style. 

Although I'm blessed to have studio space (aka; what was actually once a small formal living room) in my home that's chock-full of art, crafting, and sewing supplies, I usually end up confiscating our kitchen table for my projects. Fortunately I have a very supportive and encouraging husband who doesn't mind the inconvenience.

My blogging goals are to:

1) Document my progress and evolution as an artist.
2) Inspire and meet others with a similar passion.
3) To share what I've learned, both triumphs and mistakes.
4) But most of all, to honor my Lord. 

Thank you for visiting. 

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