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Reminding myself daily to bloom where I'm planted.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Beaded Cuffs

I came across these amazing beaded cuffs
on my recent visit to Sunflour Market.

I LOVED them both.

The lighter one is my favorite.

Since then, I've been searching to find
something similar online and haven't had any success. 

I'd love to spend an afternoon 
with the artist/creator and learn her techniques. 

I've been scouring bead books at the library
and can't find anything like it. 

I want to know how to do this!

The cuff base is some sort of metal
or hard plastic.

The lining is a soft suede/leather of some kind. 

It's one of those things you see at the store and 
think, "Why didn't I pick that up when I had the chance?"

I hope it's still there the next time I go. 

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