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Reminding myself daily to bloom where I'm planted.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Projects of the Week~ A Little Sun and some Music

Being the lover of quirky and funky things that I am, 
I was so excited to come across this tambourine
at my favorite thrift store. 

I know most people would've passed it over, but
to me this was a fun piece that I couldn't wait to makeover. 

Before I did anything to it, I had to search for
'Last Train to Clarksville' on Youtube and give it a whirl.

Davy Jones would've been proud. 

Maybe not for any intrinsic talent I may have, but
based solely on my sheer enthusiasm. 

I can't wait to beautify it!

First I needed to disassemble it to it's bare 
bones before priming it. 

I've only primed and base coated it so far. 

The other project I've started is my 
carved wood sun mirror.

My husband helped me disassemble this.
The mirror was glued in and he has more
confidence and patience when it comes to those things. 

Fortunately he was able to
get it out without breaking
the mirror or the frame.

I could've taped off the mirror
and worked around it, but this'll be much easier. 

The first thing I did was to prime it 
and then paint it with a turquoise blue. 

Next I glazed it with yellow ochre. 

I just started detailing and will be
sure to let you see the finished pieces. 

I'm hoping to get them both 
done by the end of the week. 

Happy Monday!

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