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Reminding myself daily to bloom where I'm planted.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Tote Challenge

I contacted a couple of my sewing buddies and 
asked if they'd be willing to do a "tote challenge" with me. 

There were no rules for design, style, or materials.
The only stipulation was to get it done in a couple of weeks. 

Me being the gal that wants to use the materials
I have on hand (rather than buy anything), got
out my big box of fabric and started sorting 
through it. 

I'd been listening to Simon and Garfunkel 
and was 'Feelin' Groovy' this particular day. 

The music inspired me to draw a
pattern for a VW van for my design. 

I cut out my pieces and ironed them
on with fusible web.

I measured double-sided panels for the sides, bottom, and back,
and sandwiched some batting in between.

My daughter showed me how to make some
cute fabric flowers and I added one of those to a strap. 

 I zigzag stitched the panels
together and free formed stitched
the raw edge applique on the front. 

I've since added a fabric covered piece of stiff 
cardboard to the inside bottom of the tote so
it stands and looks a little more polished. 

I may applique the words 'Feelin' Groovy,
or 'California Dreaming' on the back. . . .

My friends told me that I won the challenge,
but I think they won. They're much more
experienced sewers than I am. 

It was a fun challenge and I told them I wanted
to do a fabric book cover next, but we've yet to
work out the details on that one. 

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