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Reminding myself daily to bloom where I'm planted.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Love Shrine

This is how my "Love Shrine" started out.

The base is an old Lang Christmas card box.

(Whenever I come across a good strong box, 
I always tuck it away for a future project.)

I designed a fancy asymmetrical frame to go around it, built it
up with some air dry paper clay and cardboard 
designs, and then paper mached the whole thing. 

 Once it thoroughly dried (about 2 days),
I primed it with Zinzer Bullseye 123.

I used assorted acrylic and dimensional paints to create
a primitive design, which I sealed with a gloss medium. 

It's embellished with some cold porcelain clay roses
and rhinestones. 

It's rustic, simple, bright and cheery.

I may need to add some glitter modge podge
to the frame to give it even more pizazz. 

Either way, I "LOVE" it!

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