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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Cane Chair Redo

I picked up these two cane chairs at my favorite local thrift store for $3.49 a piece. 

Nice bargain, right?

Unfortunately, each chair had it's own issue with holes in the caning. 

I wonder how many people have these old 
damaged cane chairs stored away somewhere 
waiting to be fixed. 

I had no interest in getting them professionally re-caned (too expensive). 

Not only that, I wanted to challenge myself to see what I could come
up with in regard to repairing them myself. 

The seats are upholstered so nicely and professionally.
Had I attempted to re-cane them myself, 
I would've had to take the upholstery apart, 
which I dreaded doing. 

I brought out my DMC floss thinking I may somehow 
incorporate it into the fix, but changed my mind. 

I ended up weaving strips of cotton material 
(that I ripped apart, as opposed to cutting) 
through the caning.

When the weaving was complete, 
I strategically placed and sewed on two handmade fabric flowers.

Here's how this first chair redo turned out. 

Isn't it cute?

I still have some staining to do on parts of the wood that need some
extra attention due to wear, but this one is basically done. 

I'm still working on the second chair. 
It had a trickier issue, so I decided to tackle the easier fix first. 

I'll be sure to post an update of the second chair redo as well. 

Happy creating!

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