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Reminding myself daily to bloom where I'm planted.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Portrait Wedding Gift

What do you give for a wedding present
when there's no need for a toaster or a teapot?

Many couples these days are waiting to get married. 

They're established in their homes and careers, 
and have everything they need. 

This was the dilemma I found myself in
when one of my dear relatives got married. 

After bouncing ideas around in my mind,
I decided to draw a portrait of the two of them. 

I know it was a risky gift, but we live on opposite
ends of the country. 

They wouldn't feel obligated to hang 
it if they didn't like it. 

Of course, I really hoped they'd like it. 

Here's the finished piece.

I wish I would've taken a picture
of the handmade card and envelope that
went with it. It made the whole package complete.

I did get a sweet thank you card in the mail recently.
They loved it, and it's hanging in their home. 


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