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Reminding myself daily to bloom where I'm planted.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Recycled Gift Card Wall Hanging

Part of my materials stash consists
of discarded gift cards from a coffee house. 

Every day dozens of these used plastic
 gift cards end up in the garbage.

I saw it firsthand when I worked there, 
and also saw potential where others saw trash.

This is how my collection started, 
and I asked others to
collect them for me too. 

I thought of using them for a mosaic art piece, 
and may do that in the future. 

For now, this is my coffee
star wall hanging. 

I used a strong pair of scissors, some super glue, 
and a hidden loop of fish line in the back for a hanger. 

I do have a few collector
cards that I'm saving for a special
center piece that I can work my design around.

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