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Reminding myself daily to bloom where I'm planted.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

An Apple A Day

This is another small Artist Trading Card. 

It measures about 2" by 3". 

I was practicing an art exercise that I made up
in order to decide what to draw.

I thought I'd take the first word that
came to mind and use it as my subject matter.

Apple was my word. It was close to lunchtime. 

Here's what I came up with. . . . 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Wood Block Tulip Stamp

I love wood block prints and homemade cards. 

I was looking for a quick craft that combined these two things. 

Here's a list and picture of the materials I used.

foam sheet
block of wood
exacto knife
glue stick
assorted paints

I decided to go with a more primitive folk artsy design.

I did some sampling first on a piece of scrap paper. 

Then I moved on to stamping on card stock and adding a few details
with a fine black marker. 

Here's the finished piece. 

It was fast, simple, and turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself. 

Friday, January 31, 2014

Praise The Lord

This is a picture of a tiny little
Artist Trading Card
that I drew.
I see so many flaws when
it's blown up like this.
It'll be back to the drawing board
for some touch ups and to
finish the back.
I hope you find very few flaws,
and lots of "Hallelujah"
 moments today.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Nehi Grape

I thought I'd post a picture of a piece
 that I'd started a while ago and set aside.
I don't normally work that way.
I usually start something and see it to completion.
Keep in mind, I'm referring to my artwork
and not my laundry.
I thought maybe by seeing her here
I'd be inspired to finish her.
She has a long way to go.
I'll let you know if I set her back
to rest in a cozy file, or I attack her
with more pens and markers.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Quote Drawings

I love thought provoking quotes. 

In fact, I have four composition
notebooks filled with my favorites. 

I've decided to combine my love for quotes with
my love for drawing and art. 

This is what I came up with for starters. 

My daughter's already laid claim to the first one. 

The following is a quote I've often heard Greg Koukl (Stand to Reason) repeat. 

It reminds me about my responsibility to do the heavy lifting when it comes to studying to show myself approved to God as a workman who doesn't need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.

Please see 2 Timothy 2:15 and 1 Peter 3:15.

Untangling the Cords

I have an old tin popcorn bucket under my sink where I keep our hair dryer and curling irons. 

It gets a little tiring pulling out the hair dryer only to find it's tangled around every styling implement you own. Especially so when you're in a hurry to get ready in the morning. 

It makes no difference if I wrap up the cords after every use, unless everyone in my household is doing the same. Can you hear my throat clearing in an accusatory manner?

My solution was to save a few empty toilet paper rolls to keep the little buggers separated. I covered them with scrap paper and. . . voila!

I know you're thinking, "This lady has WAY too much time on her hands!" 

It really didn't take me but 10 minutes total. I let the paper dry in place with clothes pins and I think it's a pretty cute solution to an irritating problem. 

Now the question is whether or not the rest of the family will cooperate.