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Reminding myself daily to bloom where I'm planted.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Wood Block Tulip Stamp

I love wood block prints and homemade cards. 

I was looking for a quick craft that combined these two things. 

Here's a list and picture of the materials I used.

foam sheet
block of wood
exacto knife
glue stick
assorted paints

I decided to go with a more primitive folk artsy design.

I did some sampling first on a piece of scrap paper. 

Then I moved on to stamping on card stock and adding a few details
with a fine black marker. 

Here's the finished piece. 

It was fast, simple, and turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself. 


  1. Very cool! You could make anything you needed that way. Nice.

  2. Thank you! Absolutely~ the possibilities are endless! <3
