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Reminding myself daily to bloom where I'm planted.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Pitt Pens on Bristol

Someone will see this and
know I didn't get much
housework done today. 

No surprise, the housework
is still waiting for me. 

Time to get started on that.

Hope your day is blessed!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Glamour Gal Art Piece

We've been working so much the
past several months, there hasn't been
much time for artwork. 

I've really been missing my
artsy "therapy". 

Enough was enough. 
I had to do something creative!

This piece was inspired by the
thought of creating a 1920's glamour girl
and putting my own spin on her. 

I love drawing female faces
(in case you haven't noticed).

I'm at the point where I have
to spend some time looking at
her to know if I'm going to
be tweaking her or not.

Hope your day is blessed!