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Reminding myself daily to bloom where I'm planted.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Shell Angel Ornaments

I've finished the angel ornaments that I'd
been working on. 

My angels are in the choir, so
I gave them all hymn books. 

I first glued on smaller shells
to represent arms in long flowing gowns. 

My husband walked into the room
as I was glueing on the last couple of arms
and asked, "Why are you giving them boobs?"

I said, "They're not boobs! They're arms."

I hope by sharing this exchange I didn't
plant a seed in the minds of readers 
to start seeing boobs on my angels!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Baby Jesus Ornaments

The following are some other Christmas 
ornaments I've been working on. 

One of my neighbors has a bottle tree
that drops a lot of pods this time of year. 

Instead of stepping over them on my
way to the mailbox, I decided to
pick up a few and use
them for a project.

I made several "Baby Jesus"
ornaments out of them. 

I took a wooden bead and hand screwed
in an eye screw to give me a little bit
of a body so I'd have something to wrap.

I then wrapped the eye hook with a small
amount of batting and muslin and tucked
the little baby inside the pod. 

The face was added and some ribbon
to hang and the ornament was finished.

I'd recommend paint instead
of a sharpie. As you can
see the sharpie eyes bled a little. 

Isn't he cute?

The following picture will show
you how I packaged the ornaments
for gift giving.

It makes a very inexpensive, yet I think
thoughtful gift. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Angel Ornaments

Tonight I'm painting some clothespin "angels"
for some Christmas ornaments I'm making. 

I have a bunch of large scallop shells that I
want to use as part of the ornament. 

I'm just not sure how I'm going to attach
these little ladies to the shells, or
attach some sort of hanger. 

More later when I figure things out. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Painting River Rocks

I have some doors in my house 
that don't like staying open.

They sit half way between open and closed. 

I'm sure there's a way of fixing them mechanically 
with a tool of some kind,
but that's not a very creative solution.

I'd much rather fix the problem with an 
art project if I can. 

I think I'm going to include a
quote or a verse on the back with
my signature. Then a quick protective clear coat
and it'll be ready to keep my door open. 

Now if only there was a way
to creatively fix my car engine knock. 
hmmmmm. . . . .

Say It Isn't So!

I came across this book as I was scanning the stacks at my local library.
At first I thought it had to be a joke.
 I picked it up and noticed a disclaimer within the first few pages
 stating something like, "No cats were harmed in the making of this book!"
It was sort of like a "deer in the headlights" experience.
It wasn't a joke.
Does someone really do this?
Apparently so. .  . I find out as I turn the pages.
Some of the crafts were actually cute,
but it was hard to get passed the gag reflex that kept creeping up every time
 I thought of the fact that they're all made with CAT HAIR!!